The International Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime and Cyber Security (ICCC) examined and analysed the emerging Cyberlaw, Cybercrime and Cybersecurity trends of today’s times. The International Conference has been attended by various international delegates and speakers as also representatives from the national Diaspora representing the stakeholders in the digital ecosystem and alive web. These included representatives from the Central Government and State Governments, various Ministries, Law Enforcement Agencies, Police, Business, Information Technology, Corporate Sector, Academicians, Scholars, Service Providers, International Organizations, and distinguished thought leaders. The ICCC has been supported by more than 165 international and national organisations.
To know more: List of Speakers
The International Particle Physics Outreach Group (IPPOG) Spring Meeting took place at Fermilab with scheduled Working Groups, acting as strategic pillars for the particle physics community by fostering long-term, sustainable support for fundamental scientific research around the world. IPPOG develops programmes and strategies that address current and future challenges in particle physics and related fields. IPPOG’s scientific education and outreach activities improve public understanding and appreciation of the benefits of fundamental research, spark interest and enthusiasm among young people, and strengthen the integration of science in society. IPPOG not only motivates, inspires, and educates our youth in the field of particle physics, but it develops personal awareness of the value of science, international collaboration and the process of evidence-based decision making, regardless of age or discipline. IPPOG helps in the establishment of broad public support, as well as the commitment of key stakeholders and policy makers for current and future particle physics projects.
To know more: 5th IPPOG Meeting at Felmilab
In the framework of its student programme, co-sponsored by HP, Intel, the EU co-funded Enabling Grids for E-sciencE project (EGEE), led by CERN, the UK Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC) as special sponsor, the CERN openlab organised a special one-day workshop Grid opportunities for entrepreneurship to provide an overview of spin-off technologies, with a special reference to the computing and data Grids. Lectures by experienced entrepreneurs introduced the key concepts of entrepreneurship and review, in particular, the EGEE industrial potential. Case studies have been given by CEOs of European start-ups already active in the Grid and computing cluster area, and regional experts provided an overview of efforts in several European regions to stimulate entrepreneurship and to encourage Grid technology students and researchers to consider the entrepreneurial opportunities that technology may create.
To know more: Grid and Entrepreneurship Workshop
The two-day Magnet Technologies Workshop was a synergy event, taking place in Geneva, with the main objective of giving an overview of the technologies available for licensing, the collaboration possibilities in the Big Science projects for R&D, pre-procurements and procurements, and the future trends for magnet development.
The participants were provided with a unique chance for networking with CERN experts, companies providing parts and know-how for the core of the LHC project, Industry Liaison Officers looking after companies interests in various Big Science projects in Europe.
To know more: Workshop Agenda

Comprendere come la scienza, la fisica in particolare, viene prima comunicata e poi percepita dal grande pubblico: è questo il filo conduttore che ha tenuto viva, presso i Laboratori di Frascati dell’Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, ComunicareFisica2005, conferenza-workshop nazionale sulle tematiche e metodologie della comunicazione indirizzata al pubblico generico della fisica e di altre scienze. Lo scopo della conferenza è stato quello di analizzare il panorama italiano confrontandolo ad analoghe esperienze all’estero individuando una piattaforma comune. Sono state presentate, discusse e confrontate le motivazioni e le finalità strategiche della comunicazione diretta tra scienziati e grande pubblico e analizzate la forma e i contenuti relativi a progetti operativi, possibili linguaggi, criteri di valutazione dell’impatto e consuntivi delle iniziative inerenti la fisica.
Per saperne di più: Programma Scientifico